iWORKSHOP: 7 x iSkills
“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.” ― Steven Johnson
The basis of every innovation is a deep understanding of a problem domain, differentiation between customer needs and wants, and finally knowledge in the solution space. Rapid advances within ICT in the last few decades – has expanded the solution space and its application to almost any problem domain. However, packaging those solutions into a product or a service that will fulfil customer needs is still a challenge faced by numerous startups. That said, having a solution does not imply having a product as well.
In this iWorkshop, seven fundamental innovation skills will be presented by the moderator, and then applied onto real world use cases in a dynamic discussion with the audience. The audience will then rate and score each skill by its relevance and applicability in their own personal and/or professional innovation process. The goal of the workshop is to give the audience an opportunity to participate in the innovative process and self-evaluate their own innovation “gap” or current skills.
MODERATOR: Marko Bervanakis, Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb

Marko Bervanakis is Ericsson Innovation Awards – Global Mentor Manager, Coach and Facilitator at Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d. In the past, he has also worked in other Global Telecoms companies (both in Europe & in the Asia pacific region) as a technical trainer, educator, consultant, technical manager and innovation facilitator. Today, he also serves as a key core and leadership team member in the organization and execution of Ericsson’s annual global Ericsson Innovation Awards (EIA) challenge for University students – globally. He has won several company Innovation awards and runs innovation workshops around the globe.